Assalamualaikum.....Salam Sejahtera........Salam 1 Malaysia..............Selamat berpuasa di Bulan Ramadhan al-Mubarak semoga Allah memberkati segala apa yang kita lakukan untuk kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat ......amin ..ya..rabulalamin...

Sunday, 2 January 2011


There are 22 (or 24) basic elements of art: those things which enhance or add to a drawing or 3 dimensional form. They are
1. S Curve flowing lines add style to your picture and are pleasing to the eye.
Refer back to the unit on line - feminine lines.

2. Skewed Curve lines curved more at one end than the other.

3. Spiral found in nature (shells) create rhythm in the picture.

4. Splash found in plants, leaves, etc. Adds action and movement.

5. Sun Burst found in flowers -- lines radiating from a central point.

See line unit "energy".
6. Stripe vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines repeating a pattern.

Found in zebras or the sides of houses.
7. Spots surface patterns identify objects and add character.

Found naturally in plants and animals.
8. Repetition repeating patterns creates interest and is pleasing to the eye.

9. Tapering wide at one end, narrow at the other. Found in nature (arms, tree limbs, etc.)

10. Tilt creates action or motion.

See "line" diagonal lines
11. Texture (see the unit on line and texture) creates a visual feeling for the surface of an object.

12. Twist found in vines and ropes, etc. (note S curve) adds interest.

13. Color (color theory will be dealt with later. Black and white is the scope of this course.)
14. Contrast combination of straight and curved lines or dark and light -- see value scale.

15. Values dark, light and mid tones found in shading for contrast and 3D effect -- see value scale.

16. Variety changes in repeated objects or patterns of interest.

17. Symmetry objects that complete the shape or are whole; symmetrical letters: A, B, D, E, H, I, K, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y.

18. Proportion size of objects in relation to each other (see size in creating 3D illusions). See 3D illusions "placement" and "size."

(How do we know the rock is smaller than the mountains?)
19, Grouping family or objects -- things occur in groups.

20. Balance dominant parts are balanced.

21. Natural Patterns patterns found in nature such as marble or wood grain.

22. Plaids or Checks used in creating values, or textures for interest.

23. Geometrical Forms see basic shapes

24. By Products man mad objects such as bricks used as texture.

Non objective drawing using a pen and the elements of art (below).

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